A terrifying taste of the latest novel by the master of horror David C. Cassidy Chapter ONE Maybe Old Willy was right, Joel Carter thought. Maybe these woods are haunted. He stopped dead in his tracks. The sweet Cold Lake air wasn’t so sweet anymore. He grimaced from the foul […]
Author: David Cassidy
Frightful Friday: Gateway begins haunting season
Tomorrow is October, and BestSelling Readers know what that means: it’s the time for spooks, haunts, ghosts, demons, vampires and things that will keep your eyes open all night long. To get the month started, here’s a sample from Gateway, the latest offering from the Master of Horror himself, David […]
Gateway: A Tuesday teaser
Enjoy this excerpt from the spine-tingling and eye-seizing horror novel By David C. Cassidy Jared stood under the narrow awning that covered the entrance to Shelby’s Pub. The rain pelted the concrete like stones, and he rushed past a storm-battered couple who were heading in. He barely made it to […]