How I find the right cover for my books

By D.G. Torrens

One for Sorrow cover

A cover designer is an important asset for me. People do judge a book by its cover. The book cover is what will encourage readers to pick up the book and read the blurb. 

So employing the right cover designer for my story is essential. I will send them an overview of my my story with some ideas of what I am seeking for my cover design. I will outline a few important suggestions that I would like included and then let them run with it.

Over the years I have established great working relationships with several cover designers that I use according to genre. As each of my cover designers have particular strengths in varying areas. As a multi-genre author it is vital to have a diverse team of cover designers according to my needs.

Sometimes, my designers have their own ideas that differ from what I thought I wanted and I was blown away, loved, and accepted their idea over my own pooly executed one! And that is why they are important to me. I am a writer, not an artist.

A good cover designer can often visualise your book cover based on your supplied info better than you can yourself. I feel blessed that my path has crossed with great designers who have remained with me over the last decade. 

D.G. Torrens

is a UK & USA bestselling author and poet. D.G. has written and published 20 books to date, her latest being Amnesia. The author is represented in the USA by Hershman Rights Management (HRM Literary Agents).

A prolific writer with a deep passion for the written word, D.G is also a founding member of and AuthorCityUK.

The author’s first TV appearance was recently aired on AuthorPaedia TV Live hosted by Christopher Douglas author/host/interviewer/director. You can view all four episodes right here on YouTube to learn more about the author, her life and books: AuthorPaedia TV.

A full-time author, D.G is exceptionally driven and throws herself into all the projects that she takes on. “Don’t tell me to reach for the stars when there is a whole universe out there…” describes how she walks through life.

“Not everyone will understand your journey what matters is that you do.”

D.G. Torrens lives by the motto, “The child first and foremost.”

D.G loves to connect with her readers. Visit her at:

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