Looking … forward (?) … in 2022

Photo by K B on Unsplash

After our experience in the past two Januaries, it feels downright scary to try to look at the year we can expect.

At least there is something we can count on: curling up with a good book.

Your favourite bestselling authors have your back. They have some wonderful new reading for us all to look forward to in 2022.

Raine Thomas

This year, I plan to release two more books in my Atlanta Siege hockey romance series. Book 2, A Heart So Familiar, is due out in spring. Book 3, A Heart So Cold, will be released at the start of the new NHL season in October. If I have time, I also hope to publish a new short story in my Estilorian series. Hopefully that’s not too ambitious!

Jennifer Harlow

I have just learned how to record audiobooks, so I hope to start on the FREAKS audiobooks. I’m also just about to turn in something new to my agent so we’ll see if it sells!

And I am still dragging my heels on re-releasing the FREAKS books. Maybe this year!
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Scott Bury

This year, I plan to release a new Hawaiian Storm mystery, and finish writing my next novel, the dystopian future science-fiction thriller. I have also figured out how to revive my Van and LeBrun series of action-thrillers, but it’s going to take a fair bit of rewriting.

And I also hope to start a new podcast. It’s a lot to do, and I may have to find someone to teach me how to juggle!

Samreen Ahsan

I plan to publish book IV of the [Stolen] Series, Once Upon A [Hidden] Time in summer 2022. 

Currently, I am enrolled in the MA degree program in Creative and Critical Writing from the University of Gloucestershire and working on my dissertation.

I plan to publish a later a WWII novel later, inspired by Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray. It will be the journey of a Nazi officer who indulges in vanity and beauty, and trades his soul with the famous portrait of Raphael which is (still) lost in time after the Nazis’ art theft.  

I will also publish the 2021 Watty’s shortlist, Recruiting Mr. Darcy. This is a humorous retelling of Jane Austen’s Pride & Prejudice, set in modern-day Toronto. 

Roger Eschbacher

2020 is looking to be a productive year for me. In the works are Ghost Star 2 (working title), a full-length novel version of Undrastormur, an omnibus of the Leonard the Great series, and as much as I can get done by the end of the year on Ghost Star 3. Wish me luck!

David C. Cassidy

I’m hoping to release books two and three in my Dark Shapes, Dark Shadows series, and possibly a new novel, 1944.

Seb Kirby

I have two books in the works for 2022.

Rediscovering Alex: How can investigative lawyer Alex Bishop come to terms with her father being a convicted murderer? This has overshadowed her life, leading her to adopt a false identity as Sophie Taylor. Through her determination to get to the truth in defending her current client, can she set matters to rights by proving her father’s innocence? Would this lead to the reconciliation with him she has always secretly desired?

Jessica 8: Cheryl Ryan is a San Diego detective with a past that makes her a loner. How does she cope when she’s paired with Jessica, an AI who is a pop-up female version of Sam Spade and Philip Marlowe, with language to match. Early on, Jessica discovers she can enter and decipher Cheryl’s memories without her knowing. What does the AI make of what it is to be human when she uncovers the details of Cheryl’s damaged past? And when Cheryl discovers what Jessica is doing, what does Cheryl make of a machine she suspects of wanting to become human?

Author Bruce Blake

Bruce Blake

2022 will be spent working on my Curse of the Unnamed series. The first instalment, The Book of Shadow, hits Amazon on February 1. I’m aiming for book 2, Shadow Scarred, for June 1, and the third book, A Shadow Upon the Land, by December. 1. The final volume, In the Shadow of the Dragon, will be out in 2023.

At The Book of Shadow‘s release on February 1, it and the first books in all my other series (On Unfaithful Wings, Blood of the King, and When Shadows Fall) for 99 cents until the middle of February.

Elyse Salpeter

I hope to publish one to two books in 2022: a finished action thriller, and I also have a Young-Adult, apocalyptic tale that I am working on right now.

I know these are lofty goals, but I feel the need to get something else out there.

Janet Oakley

2021 looks more like staying at home as much as possible, wearing a mask when I’m out. Still, I have plans. First, is to see the publication of the audiobook of  award-winning The Quisling Factor. It just earned an honorable mention from the Writers Digest Self-published E-Book in the Mystery and Thriller category.

The other goal is to finish The Brisling Code, my prequel to The Jossing Affair. It’s set in Bergen, Norway 1942. This would become the worst year in Norway’s resistance history and will have personal tragedies for my hero. I just have to keep a steady pace on this.

D.G. Torrens

2022 is an exciting year for me. I am currently navigating a foreign rights deal for one of my book series and very much looking forward to seeing my series in bookstores around Europe.

My current work-in-progress is Full Circle, the beginning of a new romantic suspense series, due for release late this summer.

I will be attending a couple of book signings in the UK throughout the year. It is always a pleasure to meet readers face-to-face.

I am also involved in several book collaborations  which are also due for release over the next few months.

And finally, I have another TV interview later in the year  An exciting year ahead! 

Author DelSheree Gladden

DelSheree Gladden

2022 will hopefully be filled with plenty of writing for me now that I’m done with graduate school.

I don’t have a fixed release schedule yet, but the books I plan to prioritize are the third Ghost Host book, the third Handbook Series book, tentatively titled The Stressed Out Girl’s Handbook, and Oracle Lost, the long planned and neglected third book in my Escaping Fate Series. Apparently three is my number for this year. Hopefully that brings me good luck!

Author Alan McDermott

Alan McDermott

I hope to have at least two releases in 2022. This year, I plan to finish a spy novel with new characters Alex Mann and Roland Cooper, then start work on a fifth Eva Driscoll.

I also have two ideas that I’d like to work on, but they’ll take a lot of research. Then I’ll have to decide if the protagonists will be Ryan Anderson or Mann/Cooper.

There’s also a half-finished book that I might pick up again.

A.J. Llewellyn

We wouldn’t expect our most prolific writer not to be busy, and A.J. Llewellyn never disappoints. Her 2022 calendar is dizzying.

My plans are to re-release the entire Orgasmic Texas Dawn series (13 books) co-written with D.J. Manly, now that the rights have reverted to us. No cover or release dates yet, but artist Lex Valentine is doing the covers.

I am also re-releasing my Tame series (two books so far) now that the rights have reverted to me. I am excited about the cover for this one because I purchased a Justin Monroe photo with Dionisio Heiderscheid as the cover model.

I am re-releasing my Back to Black crime novel set in Honolulu, the first of my Makaha Beach Detectives series. Another one that has reverted back to me.

I am working on a new gender-bender romantic mystery called Both Sides Now. No cover or release date yet but it will come out in the spring.

I am re-releasing the remaining Phantom Lover series (four more books) covers are posted on my website and then I will be penning a brand new one for the summer!

My entire Mingo McCloud series will be coming out in audio over the next few months in two bundles. John Solo is re-recording books 1 and 2 and I will be releasing books 1-4  in one bundle and books 5-7 in another bundle. I will be releasing a brand new Mingo book – #8 and the audio book for that one simultaneously. No cover or title yet.

I am writing more Kindle Vella stories for my paranormal shapeshifting mystery, . Episode 3 coming soon!

I am writing a sequel to my surprise Christmas hit, Fudge, Family and Fangs. It will come out in a couple of months from Extasy Books. I have no cover or release date yet, but the title is Fangs, Family, and Fujinia.

That’s enough to keep us book lovers busy for … well, a few weeks, at least.

Keep following BestSelling Reads for updates and details on these new book announcements.

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