A new romantic mystery by
A.J. Llewellyn
“Why is it so difficult for people to understand that men, too, just like women, can find themselves in peril?” Cunningham addressed the jury.
“Make no mistake. Sean Castro is a victim of stalking. He is a victim of a sexual attack. I want you to forget everything else except the facts.”
He held up a hand. “There is a long history of men being stalked, but we don’t talk about it the way we talk about women being targeted by people with an insatiable obsession. Some years ago, two stalkers planned to castrate and murder the singer Justin Bieber. The uncle-and-nephew duo, Mark Staake and Tanner Ruane were arrested in November 2012. They were acting under the orders of Dana Martin, a convicted murderer and rapist serving two consecutive life sentences.
“None of these people knew Mr. Bieber. Dana Martin said he was a fan and wanted him dead, because in his words, Mr. Bieber changed. And that made him angry. He said if he wasn’t imprisoned, he would rape, torture, and kill Mr. Bieber and put it all on YouTube.”
Cunningham held the jury members’ gazes as he continued. “We talked about the Dana Martin case during our testimony because Justin Montgomery claimed he pursued Sean Castro at the behest of Dana Martin. He claimed a lengthy pen-pal relationship. Dana Martin says they had no contact. Ever.
“Justin Montgomery’s story keeps changing. Every story he tells keeps changing.
“He says he met Sean Castro at a soap opera convention. A convention that Sean Castro never even attended. He says he was dissed by him. He keeps using that word but won’t say how.
“Then he said they met at a comic book convention. There is no evidence they ever met there. None. Even if there had been some sort of brief meeting, does that mean Sean Castro owes Justin Montgomery anything?
“No. It doesn’t.” He paused. “Regardless of how they met, or even if they did at all, the fact is, Justin Montgomery didn’t know Sean Castro. He was attracted to him and when he thought he saw him out in public one time, he felt Sean Castro was dismissive. Remember that. This entire case is about one man’s deadly fantasies.”
Wait for Night
Former soap opera star Sean Castro has hated every second of the sensational trial at which he is the reluctant center. Being stalked and hunted, terrorized, kidnapped, tortured, and raped by Justin Montgomery has left him in a despair that only a guilty verdict can lift.
When the jury reaches an impasse and a mistrial is declared, Sean feels victimized all over again. Unable to sleep, afraid of the night, the mistrial takes its toll on Sean and his supportive father and brother. Though the Assistant DA is adamant he will file new charges, Sean worries about the effect a new trial and increased media scrutiny will have on both his own health and his father’s. Then he starts receiving the mysterious “Wait for Night” text messages Montgomery always sent him. Petrified, he needs to escape the confines of the small Northern California town of Gilroy famous for garlic, and now, thanks to him, gay rape.
Sean finds salvation in the form of his long-lost cousin Theoni. She lives in the ancient Peloponnese region of Greece and invites Sean and his family to visit. They jump at the chance, with Sean and his brother learning about their mother, who died when they were toddlers. Reconnecting with their mother’s sister and family, they find so much to love and celebrate in the tiny village of Akrata, including, for Sean, the possibility of a new romance.
But terror isn’t far behind. The mysterious messages keep coming, and once again, Sean is a man living in mortal terror…
Now available on Amazon.
A.J. Llewellyn

A.J. Llewellyn lives in California, but dreams of living in Hawaii. Frequent trips to all the islands, bags of Kona coffee in the fridge and a healthy collection of Hawaiian records keep this writer refueled.
A.J’s passion for the islands led to writing a play about the overthrow of Queen Lili’uokalani’s kingdom.
A.J. never lacks inspiration for writing erotic romances but has many other passions: collecting books on Hawaiiana, surfing and spending time with family, friends and animal companions.
A.J. Llewellyn believes that love is a song best sung out loud.
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